SMB Private Cloud Btrfs NAS Server

Rockstor Small and Midsize Business (SMB) Cloud Server is the recommended solution for organizations with several hundred Terabytes of capacity requirement. Your organization may rely on expensive public cloud storage and also store a lot of data locally causing you to switch between local and cloud and ultimately resulting in inefficiency and loss of productivity.

With Rockstor as your Cloud Server, you can:

  • Build your Private Cloud Storage and empower your organization with a hybrid workflow leveraging the best of both public and private cloud storage.
  • Seamlessly integrate with public cloud storage resulting in efficiency and lower operating cost.
  • Scale your storage needs with low incremental cost.
  • Manage your storage with little to no IT experience.

Small and Midsize Business(SMB) Cloud Server is the recommended solution for organizations with several hundred TB of capacity requirement. SMBs already rely on public cloud storage and in many cases spend a lot of money for the convenience. However, they also need to store a lot of data locally. Switching between local and Cloud results in a lot of lost productivity and inefficiency. If SMBs can seemlessly use a private cloud server working together with public cloud storage, they can be more efficient and profitable. Rockstor can be used as Private Cloud Storage and empower users with a hybrid workflow leveraging their private and public cloud storage effectively. It’s capacity can scale with your business with little added cost and can be managed with little to no IT experience.

Use Cloud effectively


SMBs are forced to use their local storage using old ways and have no way to leverage it or combine with public cloud storage to get the best of both.


Rockstor can not only be accessed with traditional NAS protocols but also acts as a private cloud storage and helps SMBs to keep their public cloud storage usage to minimum. Users can use both their private and public cloud storage in a hybrid fashion and take full advantage of both at once.

Replicate data over WAN


SMBs are forced to risk losing data with a single node storage server or spend a lot in IT management for backups and transfers between offices. Alternative solutions that are distributed in nature also come with a high maintenance requirement.


Rockstor can efficiently replicate data from one instance to the other. Important data can be backed up efficiently to another Rockstor appliance at a different location. This is especially useful to automatically move data between remote offices not only for backups but also for quicker access.

Reduce storage costs


Management of traditional storage servers has not been cheap or easy, requiring strong IT skills and time to keep things in order. The problem gets worse for SMBs using public cloud storage services for part of their needs.


Rockstor can efficiently replicate data from one instance to the other. Important data can be backed up efficiently to another Rockstor appliance at a different location. This is especially useful to automatically move data between remote offices not only for backups but also for quicker access.